The Motor Control Ability of the Lumbar Region and Hip Joint are Related to the Direction of the Hip Movement Test in Older People
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Published: 2 December 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
This study aimed to clarify whether the motion ratio and the motor control ability of lumbar region and hip joint are specific to the direction of movement in healthy older people. Fourteen healthy older people were included in the study. The motion ratio and motor control ability of the lumbar and hip joint during hip extension and external and internal rotations were measured in the prone position using a wearable sensor, and the relationship between each movement was investigated. As a result, both the lumbar and hip joint motion ratio and the motor control ability were positively correlated between the sagittal plane component of hip extension and the horizontal plane component of hip external rotation. There were negatively correlated in the horizontal plane component of hip extension and the horizontal plane component of hip external rotation. There was no correlation between them during the internal rotation of the hip joint and any other movement. With regard to the hip movement test, there is an association between hip extension and external rotation. Because each movement relates differently to other movements, movement tests should be selected based on the characteristics of the movement.
Keywords: lumbar region, hip joint, movement test, motor control ability, older people.

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How to Cite
Ryo Miyachi, Junya Miyazaki. (2020-12-02). "The Motor Control Ability of the Lumbar Region and Hip Joint are Related to the Direction of the Hip Movement Test in Older People." *Volume 3*, 2, 24-32